Telling the Story of Tomorrow’s Tech. Today.

Your company was born from a vision and the drive to make it happen. We founded Merritt & Rose Communications because we love helping companies translate innovations into real impact — and we use our technology aptitude, journalism backgrounds, messaging skills and media connections to get your story out there. We work side-by-side with you to build brand awareness, connect with your target audience and get your name in print and on air as you lead decisive industry conversations.

If an announcement goes out and no one covers it, did it really happen?

Trees falling in forests and philosophical questions aside, the key to media coverage and audience awareness is consistency. We combine high-level strategy with day-to-day action to build your name recognition and get you in front of the right reporters and publications. We partner with you throughout the process to ensure you’re getting results, building brand awareness and receiving regular coverage in major publications.

Merritt & Rose - Double Lines - Prussian Blue

Here's our basic formula:

Your tech innovation + our industry knowledge + key media relationships = coverage

(The longer formula involves differential equations and some light media stalking, but this gives you the general idea.)

Our Business Model​

Our unique agency business model and non-traditional PR structure keep us nimble and enable us to deliver PR that scales with your needs. Our flexible structure of experienced professionals helps us stay agile and responsive so that we can ensure you’re getting consistent, meaningful results.

We Speak Engineer

Your tech team is brilliant, and they have figured out answers to some of the biggest problems facing your field today. But now you have another problem: how do you communicate that to your target audience? That’s where we come in. We serve as translators, using our technologist mindset and a talented team of writers and publicists to ensure that you’re communicating your key points clearly, effectively and – most importantly – intriguingly.

Our Clients in the News

Here are some of our recent client placements. Want to see your company here?

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